TextArea Members

The TextArea type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method TextArea
Initializes a new instance of the [TextArea] class.


  Name Description
Public property BlinkColor
Gets or sets the color of the blink.
Public property BlinkInterval
Gets or sets the blink interval.
Public property Leading
Gets or sets the leading.
Public property LinkColor
Gets or sets the color of the link.
Public property ReadOnly
Gets or sets a value indicating whether [read only].
Public property Text
Gets or sets the text.
Public property TextAlign
Gets or sets the text align.
Public property TextColor
Gets or sets the color of the text.
Public property UseTextColor
Gets or sets a value indicating whether [use text color].


  Name Description
Public event TextCancel
Raised when [text cancel].
Public event TextChanged
Raised when [text changed].
Public event TextCommit
Raised when [text commit].