GuiHost Members

The GuiHost type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method Static member AddStyle
add an additional style this style will be handled seperately from any active skin
Public method Static member GenerateStandardSkin
generates a standard skin this is only used for sample purposes
Public method Static member GetClipboard
returns the current clipboard string
Public method Static member GetSkin
Gets the skin.
Public method Static member GetStyle
returns the style with the given name
Public method Static member MouseButton
return the state of the given button index
Public method Static member SetButtons
sets the state of mouse buttons
Public method Static member SetClipboard
sets the clipboard string
Public method Static member SetKeyboard
sets the currently pressed and released keys
Public method Static member SetMouse
sets the current mouse position
Public method Static member SetSkin
Sets the skin.


  Name Description
Public property Static member AltPressed
Gets a value indicating whether [alt pressed].
Public property Static member AlwaysScissor
Gets or sets a value indicating whether [always scissor].
Public property Static member CtrlPressed
Gets a value indicating whether [CTRL pressed].
Public property Static member DoubleClickSpeed
Gets or sets the double click speed.
Public property Static member GlobalFadeSpeed
Gets or sets the global fade speed.
Public property Static member MouseMovement
Gets the mouse movement.
Public property Static member MousePosition
Gets the mouse position.
Public property Static member MouseScroll
Gets the mouse scroll.
Public property Static member Renderer
Gets or sets the renderer. This is set to NoRenderer by default.
Public property Static member ShiftPressed
Gets a value indicating whether [shift pressed].
Public property Static member TimeElapsed
Elapsed time since last frame in milliseconds


  Name Description
Public event Static member MouseDown
Raised when [mouse down].